1. Drink water from a copper vessel
Medical science is taking a keen interest in the antibacterial properties of copper. Many experiments have been carried out in the last few years and scientists have found that water has a memory of its own – it remembers everything it touches. It is because of water’s memory that we pay attention to what kind of vessel we store it in.
2. Give your body rest, not sleep
What time you go to sleep depends on your lifestyle, but the important thing is how many hours of sleep you need. It is often said that you should sleep eight hours a day. Your body does not need sleep, but rest. If you give rest to your body throughout the day, your work, your exercise, everything is like rest for you, then automatically your hours of sleep will decrease. People want to do everything in tension. I have seen that people are tense even while walking in the park. Now this kind of exercise will harm you instead of benefiting you, because you are taking everything as if you are fighting a war. Why don't you walk comfortably? Whether it is walking or jogging, why can't you do it with full enjoyment and comfort?
3. Fast once in two weeks
There is a thing related to the natural cycle of your body called 'mandal'. Mandal means that the body passes through a particular cycle every 40 to 48 days.
In every cycle, there are three days in which your body does not need food. If you become aware of your body, then you will yourself know that the body does not need food on these days. You can easily live without food on any one of these days.
In 11 to 14 days, there comes a day when you will not feel like eating anything. You should not eat on that day. You will be surprised to know that dogs and cats also have similar awareness. Sometimes look carefully, on a particular day they do not eat anything. Actually, they have complete knowledge about their system. The day the system says that food should not be eaten today, that day becomes a day of body cleansing for them and they do not eat anything on that day. Now you do not have enough awareness within you to recognize those special days. Then what should be done! To solve this problem, the day of Ekadashi was decided here. If we look at the Hindi months, then Ekadashi comes once every 14 days. This means that every 14 days you can stay without eating for one day. If you cannot stay without eating anything or your work is such that staying hungry is not in your control and you do not have the necessary sadhana to stay hungry, then you can eat fruits. The overall point is that you should just be aware of your system.
4. Sit with your back straight
The internal organs of the body being in a relaxed state is of special importance. It has many aspects. Right now we are considering only one aspect of it. The most important internal organs of the body are located in the chest and abdominal region. All these organs are neither rigid nor fixed in one place by nuts or bolts. All these organs are loose and hang inside a net. These organs can get maximum relaxation only when you make a habit of sitting with your spine straight.
5. Live in harmony with the five elements
हम कुछ लोगों को बता रहे थे कि हमारे योग केंद्र में एक योगिक अस्पताल है, तो अमेरिका से कुछ डॉक्टर उसे देखना चाहते थे और वे यहाँ आये। वे यहाँ एक सप्ताह तक रहे और एक सप्ताह के बाद वे मुझ पर बहुत क्रोधित हुए। मैंने कहा – “क्यों, मैंने क्या किया? वे इधर-उधर बातें कर रहे थे – “यह सब बकवास है! सद्गुरु ने कहा कि यहाँ एक योगिक अस्पताल है! योगिक अस्पताल कहाँ है? हमें कोई बिस्तर नहीं दिख रहा है, हमें कुछ भी नहीं दिख रहा है”। तब मुझे समझ में आया कि उनकी समस्या क्या थी, फिर मैंने उन्हें बुलाया और मैंने कहा – “समस्या क्या है” उनमें से एक महिला ने आँखों में आँसू भरकर कहा – मैं यहाँ इतनी आस्था के साथ आई थी और यहाँ मेरे साथ धोखा हो रहा है, यहाँ कोई अस्पताल नहीं है, यहाँ बिल्कुल कुछ नहीं है और आप कह रहे हैं कि यहाँ एक अस्पताल है। मैंने कहा – “आराम से बैठिए। अस्पताल के बारे में आपका विचार यह है कि – यहाँ कई बिस्तर होने चाहिए जहाँ आप रोगियों को सुला सकें और उन्हें दवाइयाँ देते रहें – यह अस्पताल ऐसा नहीं है